
”I didnʼt close the door.” Zelensky suggested the possibility of negotiations with Russia

Oleg Panfilovych

President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukraine is ready to negotiate with Russia if it recognizes itself as the occupier and truly shows its readiness for peace.

He stated this in an interview with CNN.

According to the Ukrainian president, he “heard nothing but ultimatums from the current president of the Russian Federation”.

Zelensky emphasized that he “did not close the door” to negotiations, and that Ukraine is ready to talk with the Russian Federation, but with the Russia that is truly ready for peace and that is ready to admit that itʼs the occupier. “Everything must be returned. Land, rights, freedom, money. And the main thing is justice. And so far I havenʼt heard such statements from the Russian Federation — neither from Putin, nor from anyone else,” the president added.