
In Israel, archaeologists have found a luxurious ancient estate. It is 1 200 years old and has a cellar

Anna Kholodnova

Archaeologists have unearthed a 1 200-year-old luxury estate in the desert in southern Israel. This find gives modern people a unique insight into the life of wealthy residents of the Negev region in the 8th — 9th centuries.

This is reported by the Associated Press.

The estate was found in the Bedouin town of Rahat. It was probably built during the early Islamic period.

The house has a courtyard and four wings with several rooms for residents. In one of its parts there is a marble corridor with a stone floor and decorated walls. Archaeologists also found fragments of decorated glassware.

Under the courtyard, archaeologists saw underground stone vaults. According to scientists, they were used to store things at lower temperatures away from the hot desert sun. It turned out that the ancient cellars were carefully constructed and strong enough that people could freely move between them underground. One of the openings in these rooms leads to a cistern, where cool drinking water was stored for the residents.

Experts say that the owners of this estate probably lived in abundance. This is what was found in their house:

“The luxurious estate and unique impressive underground vaults testify to the wealth of the owners. Their high status and wealth allowed them to build a luxurious mansion that served as a residence and was used for entertainment,” the archaeologists said in a statement.