
The Russians developed a plan for the “restoration” of Mariupol and its integration into the Russian Federation

Sofiia Telishevska

Getty Images / «Babel'»

The Ukrainian intelligence reported that the Russians had developed a "concept for the development of Mariupol." This plan envisages the full integration of Mariupol into the "DPR", with the prospect of joining into Russia.

The population of Mariupol, which before the Russian aggression amounted to half a million inhabitants, according to the plans of the Rashists, should "grow" to 200 thousand by 2025.

In the future, within a few years, transport and social infrastructure should appear in the city destroyed by the Russians.

A separate section is devoted to the "Azovstal" plant, several scenarios have been devised for its "development", among them:

The entire project, depending on the chosen "reconstruction" option, is allocated from 8 to 42 years. The costs are more than 60 billion Russian rubles.