”Rating”: 73% of surveyed Ukrainians believe that the countryʼs affairs are moving in the right way
- Author:
- Anhelina Sheremet
- Date:

Getty Images / «Babel'»
In Ukraine, 73% of respondents believe that the countryʼs affairs are moving in the right way. 12% had the opposite opinion, another 15% could not estimate.
This is evidenced by the survey data of the "Rating" group, which was released on July 27.
Sociologists say that the number of those who assess the direction of the countryʼs development as correct is gradually decreasing, in favor of those who are undecided. In all regions and among all age groups, the assessment of the direction as correct continues to dominate.
As for changes in the economic situation of the family and the country over the past six months, 74% say that their personal situation has worsened (52% in January). At the same time, 25% hope that their personal economic situation will improve in the next 12 months, a quarter believe that it will not change, and a third have pessimistic views about it.
On the other hand, in the assessments of the future of the country, there is an increase in the number of optimistic assessments: those who believe that the economy will improve in the next year are today 34% (in April — 32%). Accordingly, the number of those who expect deterioration has decreased: from 42% to 37%.
In dynamics by oblast, the number of unemployed among residents of the east is increasing (in June — 53%, in July — 57%). A certain increase in the number of those who lost their jobs is also noticeable among residents of the central and western regions (37% in the center, 32% in the west). The relative majority (57%) is ready to continue working even in case of a decrease in wages, 40% take a more active position (will look for a new job). The latter are more among young people, those who work in the private sector or are self-employed.
The survey was conducted on July 23-24 by telephone among a thousand adult Ukrainians who live in all regions, except temporarily occupied Crimea and Donbass, as well as territories where there is no Ukrainian mobile communication at the time of the survey. The statistical error is no more than 3.1%.