
”Ukrenergo” refuted the statement of the occupiers about joining the power system of the south to Russia

Sofiia Telishevska

The national energy company "Ukrenergo" denied the statements of the Russian occupiers about joining the southern regions of Ukraine to the Russian energy system.

The report states that since February 24, not a single kilowatt of Ukrainian electricity has been supplied to Russia, Belarus, or the annexed Crimea.

The Zaporizhzhia NPP also operates exclusively in the energy system of Ukraine under the control of the control center of NEC "Ukrenergo".

"The energy system of Ukraine is united with the energy system of continental Europe ENTSO-E and has no connections with the energy system of Russia, Belarus or with the temporarily occupied Crimea, which is now powered by the energy system of the aggressor country," Ukrenergo explained.