The European Commission has recommended that Ukraine be granted EU candidate status
- Author:
- Oleg Panfilovych
- Date:

The European Commission has recommended that Ukraine be granted candidate status as a member of the European Union.
This was announced by the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen.
The European Commission also recognized Ukraineʼs European perspective. In addition, the head of the European Commission conducted a general review of Ukraineʼs readiness to join the EU, noting that Ukraine has complied with the Association Agreement by 70%.
At the same time, von der Leyen stated that Ukraine needs to carry out reforms in the field of law enforcement and anti-corruption legislation. In addition, von der Leyen mentioned the Law on Deoligarchization and the fact that Ukraine should adopt the recommendations of the Venice Commission in the field of minority rights.
The President of the European Commission also announced the decision to grant EU candidate status to Moldova.
The head of the Presidentʼs Office Andriy Yermak has published a list of demands that the EU makes to Ukraine before the start of accession talks.
The European Commission also provides an action plan to be implemented to start Ukraineʼs EU accession talks.
- Adopt and implement legislation on the selection procedure for judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, including a pre-selection process based on an assessment of their integrity and professional skills, in accordance with the recommendations of the Venice Commission.
- Complete the integrity review of candidates for members of the High Council of Justice and the selection of candidates for the High Qualifications Commission of Judges of Ukraine.
- Strengthen the fight against corruption, in particular at the high level. Complete the selection and appointment of a new NABU Director and SAP Prosecutor.
- Ensure that anti-money laundering legislation is in line with FATF standards.
- Adopt a comprehensive strategic plan to reform the entire law enforcement sector as part of Ukraineʼs security environment.
- An "anti-oligarchic" law must work.
- Media legislation needs to be brought into line with European audiovisual legislation.
- The reform of the legal framework for national minorities, which is currently being prepared in accordance with the recommendations of the Venice Commission, needs to be completed and mechanisms for its implementation developed.