
Ukrainian servicemen released from captivity spoke of torture and rape. The Russians paid special “attention” to officers and fighters of “Azov”

Kostia Andreikovets

Russians brutally torture captured Ukrainian servicemen and force women to have sex.

According to the ombudswoman Lyudmila Denisova, this was reported by the released Ukrainian servicemen who are currently receiving medical treatment.

Most Ukrainian servicemen were taken prisoner near Mariupol. They said that they were first kept in basements and outbuildings, and then transferred to a detention center in Donetsk and a correctional colony № 120. Later, they were held in the Taganrog and Voronezh detention centers.

During the transfer, Ukrainian soldiers were blindfolded, with sacks over their heads, and their hands tied. They were beaten and humiliated in captivity. Russians were threatening to kill them.

"Torture was used with extreme cruelty against officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and soldiers of the Azov Special Forces. Ukrainian servicemen were brought to their knees during interrogations, beaten on the toes, and open wounds with rifle butts. Russians also used pliers on them, threw a bandage around their necks, and strangled them. In addition, they tortured Ukrainian soldiers with electric shocks, beat them with a truncheon, and kicked them, ”Denisova said.

The Russians also injected unknown drugs signed with the letter "M" into the Ukrainian soldiers, after which they fainted and lost their memory. The occupiers forced Ukrainian soldiers to learn the poem "Forgive us, dear Russians," the anthem of the Russian Federation, and the history of the creation of the emblem and flag of the Russian Federation.

Ukrainian women prisoners of war were also forced into sexual intercourse. In front of their eyes, captive men were brutally beaten for psychological pressure. Russians kept 20 people in unsanitary conditions in cells for 2-3 people.

The wounded were not provided with the necessary medical care. Food was also poor: Ukrainians received 1.5 liters of water for 30-40 people, and their diet consisted of a piece of bread and lard. Sometimes, when giving meat, Russians mocked Ukrainians and said it was human.