
A Memorial to Civilian Victims of War has been established in Ukraine. Its website publishes stories of people killed by Russians

Kostia Andreikovets

The Abo Media Growth Agency has created a Memorial to the Civilian Victims of the Russiaʼs War Against Ukraine, which publishes stories of Russian civilians killed by Russians every day on its website and social networks. On the Memorial website, you can read the stories of each individual victim.

Memorial Coordinator Yulia Tupichenko said that the project is very important for documenting war crimes and ensuring that people do not turn into statistics.

"Behind each person is a whole story of life, family, and relatives, for whom the dead or perished were the whole world. We have to show Europe, the world community, and the Russians that the Russian army is killing innocent and beautiful people, and the Russian government is lying," she said.

The memorial is constantly replenished, and relatives of the victims can join the filling of it. After filling out the form, you can tell the story of the deceased to make it to the Memorial.