
In Japan, the sale of swords from Harry Potter books was stopped because they were too sharp

Iryna Perepechko

Replica swords from the Harry Potter series sold as souvenirs at an exhibition in Tokyo have been recalled in Japan for violating the countryʼs firearms and swords control law.

This is reported by The Guardian.

Full-size replicas of Godric Gryffindorʼs sword, which measure 86 centimeters and are attached to a wooden plaque, were sold from May 2023 until the end of April this year.

During this time, they managed to sell more than 350 copies — each of them cost $200.

But only in November of this year, it was discovered that the tip of the blade was too sharp to own such a sword without a special license. This is against Japanʼs 1958 Firearms and Swords Control Act.

Warner Bros., which sold the swords, called the incident a "distribution error" and is asking buyers to return the swords, promising monetary compensation.

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