
In London, blood will be delivered between hospitals by drones

Iryna Perepechko

Drones will soon be used in London to urgently deliver blood samples between two hospitals. It is predicted to take two minutes.

This is reported by TechCrunch.

As part of a six-month test program, the drones will deliver essential blood samples to surgical patients who are at high risk of complications due to clotting disorders. Deliveries that used to take more than 30 minutes by van or motorcycle will now take less than two minutes. The flight will be managed by the Civil Aviation Authority, which will control the airspace.

In Great Britain, they say that they are also reducing the CO2 emissions associated with blood delivery, because they will not use either electric or gas vehicles.

The program was approved in coordination with the British startup Apian, the Alphabet company engaged in the production of Wing drones, and the National Health Service of Great Britain.

This is not the first such project. Previously, the National Health Service of Great Britain conducted such tests in other parts of the country. Then they discovered that the blood delivered by drones does not spoil and does not differ from the blood delivered by vans or motorcycles.

Apian and Wing have previously delivered medicine by drone in Dublin, Ireland, and Apian has tested "medical drones" in the UK countryside.