
The Verkhovna Rada supported the draft law on public procurement. The main points

Olha Bereziuk

Getty Images / «Babel'»

The Verkhovna Rada (the Ukrainian Parliament) adopted draft law No. 11520 "On public procurement" as a basis.

The MP from "Voice" Yaroslav Zheleznyak reported this.

The project was supported by 289 MPs. Adoption of this law is one of the criteria for receiving aid from the EU through the Ukraine Facility and the World Bank.

The draft law, among other things, proposes to prohibit public procurement of goods, works and services from persons from Russia, Belarus and Iran. The ban will also apply to companies associated with these countries, even if they are registered in Ukraine.

The project also introduces the regulation of the procurement procedure: the rules for conducting procurement are defined, in particular the use of special protection elements. Conditions for negotiations and qualification selection of candidates are established.

In addition, it is proposed to introduce new methods of procurement, in particular, innovative partnership. This procedure allows the state to conclude long-term contracts with companies to develop and implement new products or technologies. For example, if Ukraine needs to create a new energy management system for schools, the government can work with a company to develop such a system from scratch.

Another new procurement method offered by the project is a dynamic procurement system. Such a system is introduced for recurring purchases, such as the supply of office supplies, electricity or repair services. Dynamic procurement systems will expand the capabilities of Prozorro Market, allowing the procurement of not only goods, but also services and works, which is critical for recovery processes.

The project also proposes to introduce the use of alternative tender offers. Technical characteristics of alternative options may differ from the tender offer, but must meet the minimum requirements specified by the customer.

The project proposes to increase the threshold amounts for which public institutions must conduct tenders through the Prozorro system. For goods and services, the proposed threshold is 400 000 hryvnias (in current legislation, it is 200 000 hryvnias, and during martial law — 100 000 hryvnias). Goods worth from UAH 50 000 to UAH 400 000 will need to be purchased through electronic catalogs.

The threshold for works remained unchanged — 1.5 million hryvnias. Purchases of works worth from UAH 200 000 to UAH 1.5 million will be possible without the use of the electronic system, but with the mandatory publication of a report on the purchase.