
Over 100 Russian missiles and drones flew near Ukrainian nuclear power plants in a month

Oleksandra Opanasenko

Over the past few weeks, more than 100 Russian drones and missiles have flown near Ukrainian nuclear power plants.

This was reported by the “Energoatom” company.

Ukraine recorded the movement of more than 70 drones and more than 30 Russian cruise missiles near Ukrainian nuclear power plants. "Energoatom" notes that no state in the world had previously created such threats to nuclear facilities.

Such actions of Russia pose a threat not only to Ukraine, but also to the entire continent. "Energoatom" transmits information about each such fact to the relevant institutions.

"We expect a strong reaction and condemnation of the actions of the Russian aggressor. The international community should force the Russian Federation to stop creating threats to Ukraineʼs nuclear power plants," emphasized the head of “Energoatom” Petro Kotin.