
The chairman and member of the supervisory board of “Ukrenergo” are resigning after the dismissal of Kudrytskyi

Oleksandra Opanasenko

The head of the supervisory board (SB) of “Ukrenergo” Daniel Dobbeni and its member Peder Andreasen are prematurely terminating their powers due to the dismissal of the head of Volodymyr Kudrytskyi, which they consider to be politically motivated.

This was reported by the press service of "Ukrenergo".

Yesterday, September 2, the supervisory board held an extraordinary meeting at the initiative of Chairman Volodymyr Kudrytskyi. He presented a report on ensuring the protection of high-voltage network facilities during Russian attacks and the situation around the company in the public domain.

During the meeting, the majority of members of the supervisory board decided to prematurely terminate the powers of Volodymyr Kudrytskyi by agreement of the parties. However, today, September 3, Daniel Dobbeni and Peder Andreasen announced the early termination of their mandate as members of the companyʼs supervisory board.

"We believe that the decision to prematurely dismiss the head of ʼUkrenergoʼ is politically motivated and, based on the results of the presented report, there are no valid grounds for it," their statement reads.

They also noted that during their time working on the board, they "felt political pressure and observed constant attempts to bypass the competition to appoint people whose professional qualities were questionable to the companyʼs board." In addition, Dobbeni and Adreasen say that they regularly received reports from the management of “Ukrenergo” about the negative impact on the companyʼs reputation from "anonymous sources in social networks and pressure on employees from law enforcement agencies."

"We do not see an opportunity to continue our work in the supervisory board of ʼUkrenergoʼ. Violating the principles of corporate governance and making a decision to fire its manager without proof of improper management is unacceptable," they said.

The dismissal of Kudrytskyi "is unacceptable" and may affect the further cooperation of "Ukrenergo" with ENTSO-E member operators, Andreasen and Dobbeni noted.

Later, Volodymyr Kudrytskyi commented on his dismissal from the position of the head of “Ukrenergo”.

"Despite separate reports in the media, the decision of the SB regarding my dismissal has nothing to do with the issue of security of ʼUkrenergoʼ substations." I presented a detailed report on each object to the members of the supervisory board. And the members of the SB did not have any questions for him," he said.

According to him, in recent days, anonymous Telegram channels and unnamed media launched a campaign to discredit Ukrenergo.