
The military did not receive humanitarian aid amounting to almost 172 million hryvnias

Oleksandra Amru

During joint internal audits from March to July 2024, the Ministry of Defense and the State Customs Service of Ukraine discovered the alleged illegal use of humanitarian aid in the amount of 171.78 million hryvnias.

This was reported to the Ministry of Defense.

In particular, according to the State Customs Service, the following items passed through customs for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: 424 vehicles, 476.23 tons of goods of various names (without specifying the value), and 6.2 tons of food products and plastic granules.

However, the department could not confirm that the military units received assistance. So thatʼs why the investigation is going on now.

The Ministry of Defense noted that they passed these messages on to law enforcement agencies so that they could check whether individual officials had misappropriated the aid.