
The heads of the Boryspil and Bucha territorial recruit centers were exposed for organizing mobilization evasion schemes

Liza Brovko

The heads of the Boryspil and Bucha territorial recruit centers (TRCs), as well as their accomplice, were exposed in a scheme to evade mobilization. During the searches, more than a million dollars were found and seized from them.

The Prosecutor Generalʼs Office and the Security Service of Ukraine write about this.

According to the investigation, the superiors organized the following scheme: to make false medical documents, thanks to which conscripts were declared unfit for military service and excluded from the register. Investigators have already identified 20 men who tried to evade mobilization in this way. Such a "service" cost $37 000.

The suspects wanted to involve employees of the Central Military Medical Commission of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the scheme.

33 searches were conducted in the premises of TRC, at the place of residence of the chiefs, their accomplice, at the men who used the "services", and at the cars of the persons involved. Cash was hidden in specially arranged hiding places under the floor and behind the wall paneling in the houses.

All three were informed of the suspicion of obstructing the legal activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and providing an unlawful benefit (Part 1 of Article 114-1, Part 3 of Article 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). They face up to 8 years in prison.

Now they are deciding the issue of precautionary measures for those involved.