
Leopard tanks, IRIS-T and Gepard air defense systems. In Germany, they told what weapons will be transferred to Ukraine by the end of the year

Olha Bereziuk

The German government plans to transfer dozens of Leopard tanks, air defense systems and hundreds of armored vehicles to Ukraine by the end of 2024.

Major General Christian Freuding, who is a member of the special staff for Ukrainian affairs at the German Ministry of Defense, told about this in an interview with Nachgefragt.

He noted that this year the volume of German military aid to Ukraine will reach €6.5-7 billion. Since the beginning of the war, Ukraine has received €28 billion worth of military equipment, the general said.

By the end of 2024, Germany plans to transfer to Ukraine:

Also, Germany will transfer to Ukraine an unspecified amount of small arms, ammunition, drones and anti-drone systems, a field hospital and other means.