
Students will be able to receive study grants through “Diia” already this year

Oleksandra Amru

Getty Images / «Babel'»

The government has adopted a resolution on the implementation of an experimental project — already this year, for the first time, entrants will be able to receive a state grant, which will cover part of the cost of studying under a contract at the university.

This was reported by the Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov.

Students will be able to receive from 15 thousand hryvnias and more annually during their studies. Funds will be charged through the public services portal "Diia". Students enrolled in budget education will continue to receive full funding from the state.

The system of grants for higher education is a common global practice that operates in the USA and Europe. At the center of the higher education system is the student, not the university. The entrant will be able to choose for himself which university to give his funds and which specialty to enter, and not to choose a specialty only because of the availability of budget places.

"Even if a child dreamed of becoming a journalist, he went to study marketing because he passed the budget there. The grant is the freedom to choose a specialty for a child," Fedorov added.

At the same time, for educational institutions, the new system will stimulate competition, because the more students, the bigger the budget. This will be an incentive for improving learning conditions, professional development of teachers, creating additional value for students.

Who can get a grant?

As explained in the Ministry of Education and Science, a grant can be applied for by those who:

What amount does the grant cover?

In general, the amount of the grant will be determined individually for each person — according to the result of the NMS and taking into account the coefficient of the specialty.

Entrants with an NMS score of 150 or more in any two subjects have the opportunity to receive a first-level grant in the amount of 15 000 hryvnias.

Entrants with an NMS result of 170 points or more in any two subjects can apply for a second-level grant in the amount of 25 000 hryvnias.

The amount of the grant may be larger (that is, multiplied by the appropriate factor), which will depend on the chosen specialty.

For some specialties, the first-level grant is not provided, only the second — that is, for applicants who have at least 170 points in two subjects.

The coefficients are detailed in the infographic of the Ministry of Education and Science:

How to apply for a grant

First, you need to decide on the priority educational institution and program in your electronic account of the applicant. It is worth looking at the price of the contract to understand how much of this cost can be covered by the grant. If the entrant meets the conditions for receiving a grant, he will receive a corresponding message in his e-mail account.

After enrolling in the desired program, from September 5 to October 31, 2024, you need to apply for a grant through your electronic office in the Unified State Electronic Database for Education (USEDE). Next, receive a notification about the award of a grant with an annual amount (it will be paid during the academic year in two installments).

After that, you will need to go through electronic identification and authentication through the "Diia" mobile application and choose a service for receiving a grant in "Diia". Next, it is necessary to open a special account in one of the Ukrainian banks, to which the grant will be received.

If the entrant is a minor, the request for receiving a state grant must be submitted by one of the parents or legal representatives. Grant funds can be used only to pay for education at a higher education institution with which the corresponding contract is signed.