
Reuters: NATO to increase standardization of artillery shells, but this may cause opposition from manufacturers

Kostia Andreikovets

NATO is set to announce for the first time at a summit in Washington, D.C., July 9-11, a commitment to stricter standardization of artillery ammunition so that shells are interchangeable on the battlefield.

This is reported by Reuters with reference to an anonymous NATO representative.

Almost all NATO members produce and use 155 mm projectiles, but this standard does not have a strict framework. Manufacturers of 14 countries can allow certain deviations from it, so there are different types of 155 mm ammunition. This fragments the market and impedes the flow of ammunition supplies.

"Ukraine showed that our standardization was good on paper, but not so good on the battlefield," the NATO representative said.

Experts explained that various 155 mm ammunition can be used by all Western guns, but operators must take into account the specifications of the projectiles when loading and firing, otherwise they risk missing by tens of meters.

Reuters notes that the decision to tighten the standardization of projectiles could face resistance from arms manufacturers, as it could increase competition and lower prices.