
NAPC suspects dismissed Deputy Prosecutor General Dmytro Verbytsky of corruption of UAH 29 million

Kostia Andreikovets

The National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NAPC) found property worth 29 million hryvnias from the former deputy general prosecutor. The agency suspects corruption, that is, illegal enrichment.

This was reported by the press service of NAPC.

The agency believes that the employee registered to relatives the following property: a Lexus ES 300H worth more than UAH 960 000; a Lexus NX 300H worth more than UAH 480 000; a Porsche Macan T for UAH 3.5 million, a house and land in Kyiv worth UAH 16.3 million UAH; a house and land in Odesa worth UAH 10 million; an apartment and a plot of land in Antalya (Turkey) worth UAH 3.9 million. In addition, NAPC stated that the employee has more than UAH 2 million in cash, the sources of which are unknown, as well as Tether (USDT) cryptocurrency.

NAPC handed over the collected materials to the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU) for criminal investigation.

The agency does not name the employee, but it follows from the report that it is Dmytro Verbytsky. On July 1, Prosecutor General Andrii Kostin removed him from his "administrative position" at his own request, but Verbytsky remains a prosecutor. This decision was made after an investigation by journalists about Verbytskyʼs property.