
The European Union returned customs duties on the import of Ukrainian eggs and sugar

Olha Bereziuk

As of today, July 2, the European Union is returning tariff quotas for eggs and sugar from Ukraine due to excess import volumes.

This is stated on the website of the European Commission.

Eggs and sugar are on the list of goods to be subject to "emergency braking" due to the fact that import volumes have reached the average annual imports recorded in the period from July 1, 2021 to December 31, 2023.

For eggs and sugar, this average is 23 188.96 tons and 262 652.68 tons, respectively.

"Since the import of eggs and sugar from Ukraine from the beginning of 2024 already exceeds the volumes established by the tariff quota within the tariff quota from the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, additional imports will continue under the most-favored-nation tariffs," the message reads.