
Zelensky signed a law on fines for online harassment and gender-based violence

Olha Bereziuk

On June 19, President Volodymyr Zelensky signed a law that will strengthen the fight against gender-based violence and domestic violence.

This is stated in the card of the document on the website of the parliament.

This document amends the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses taking into account the Istanbul Convention.

Three new articles will appear in the Code of Administrative Offenses. In particular, Art. 173-6 "Gender-based violence". Punishment includes a fine of 1 700-3 400 hryvnias, community service (20-40 hours) or correctional work (one month) with deduction of 20% of earnings.

Repeated violation within a year — fine in the amount of 3 400-5 100 hryvnias, community service (40-60 hours) or correctional work (one-two months) with deduction of 20% of earnings, or administrative suspension for up to 10 days.

The second article is 173-7 "Sexual harassment". We are talking about offensive actions of a sexual nature (words, gestures, body movements), as well as harassment on the Internet, for example, through messages.

The punishment is a fine from 1 360 to 2 720 hryvnias, community service (20-40 hours) or correctional work (up to one month) with deduction of 20% of earnings. Repeated violation — a fine of 2 720-3 400 hryvnias, community service (40-60 hours), correctional work (one-two months) with a deduction of 20% of earnings, or administrative leave for 15 days.

The third article — 173-8 — concerns failure to comply with a prohibitory order or failure to notify the place of temporary stay in the event of such an order being issued. Fines from 170 to 540 hryvnias or other sanctions up to administrative arrest for 15 days may also be imposed for violation of this article.

In addition, the law introduces a separate rule regarding the identification of minors and minors as victims, if they were present when domestic violence or gender-based violence was committed. Administrative responsibility is established for this.