
The Verkhovna Rada passed the law on the “white business club”. The main points

Liza Brovko

In the second reading, the Parliament supported draft law No. 11084 on the so-called white business club, which concerns tax audits.

The MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak wrote about it.

263 MPs voted for it. The law amends the Tax Code regarding the features of tax administration during martial law for taxpayers with a high level of voluntary tax compliance.

The "white business club" will include an entrepreneur who meets transparent criteria regarding the level of tax payment above the industry average and the salary level higher than the industry average. His business will not be subject to tax audits.

Taxpayers who are included in the "white business club" will have the following advantages:

The list of the "white business club" will be maintained by the State Tax Service, taxpayers will receive information about being on the list through an electronic cabinet.