
Zelensky signed the law on a single roaming zone with the EU

Olha Bereziuk

The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky signed the law on the implementation of European legislation on roaming — this was one of the conditions for Ukraineʼs European integration in the field of electronic communications.

This is stated on the page of the document on the Councilʼs website.

After the entry into force of the law, Ukrainians traveling in EU countries will use national tariffs for mobile communication for 4 months. At the same time, they will not be charged additional fees for roaming services.

Ukrainian mobile operators must provide communication services in the countries of the European Union at no additional charge and at the rates applicable in Ukraine. When traveling in the EU, calls, SMS and mobile internet for Ukrainians must be included in the home service package.

EU citizens will have the same rights when visiting Ukraine.

The draft law generally provides for the transition of Ukraine to the norms of European legislation on roaming. The approval of European rules is a necessary condition for the creation of a single roaming zone of Ukraine and the EU.