
Nuclear and food security and the return of captured and deported children. The text of the communiqué of the Peace Summit has appeared

Olha Bereziuk

The use of nuclear weapons is unacceptable, and food security cannot be used as a weapon. Such provisions are contained in the communiqué following the results of the Global Peace Summit.

The text of the communiqué is published on the website of the Office of the President.

The document outlined three main positions of the summit participants.

First, any use of nuclear energy and nuclear facilities must be safe, secure, reliably guarded and not harmful to the environment. Ukrainian nuclear power plants and installations, in particular the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant, must operate safely and securely under the full sovereign control of Ukraine and in accordance with the principles of the IAEA and under its supervision.

Any threat or use of nuclear weapons in the context of war in Ukraine is unacceptable.

Second, global food security depends on uninterrupted food production and supply. In this regard, free, full and safe commercial shipping, as well as access to seaports on the Black and Azov seas, are extremely important. Attacks on merchant vessels in ports and en route, as well as on civilian ports and civilian port infrastructure, are unacceptable.

Food security cannot be used as a weapon in any way. Ukrainian agricultural products must be safely and freely supplied to interested third countries.

Third, all prisoners of war must be released by full exchange. All deported and illegally displaced Ukrainian children and all other illegally detained Ukrainian civilians must be returned to Ukraine.

"We believe that achieving peace requires engagement and dialogue between all parties. Therefore, we have decided to take concrete measures in the above-mentioned areas in the future with the further involvement of representatives of all parties," the communique reads.