
The Equality March was held in Kyiv for the first time during the full-scale war

Sofiia Telishevska

After a two-year hiatus, the Equality March took place in Kyiv. About 500 people marched in a column about a hundred meters from the Teatralna metro station. The action lasted no longer than 20 minutes.

Activists, soldiers, peopleʼs deputies and ambassadors of partner countries, including Great Britain, France, and Sweden, joined the march.

British Ambassador Martin Harris noted that the issue of protecting the LGBT community is part of the sphere of human rights protection.

"The Equality March is an opportunity to draw the attention of the world community to the war in Ukraine. We need legal support. We fight equally with everyone, but we do not know what with our loved ones. If something happens to them, if they end up in the hospital or captured, we canʼt visit them or put them on the wanted list. We are living people with living problems. In any society, up to 10% are representatives of the LGBTQ community. Itʼs the same in the army," said Dmytro, a participant in the action and a war veteran.

At the same time, people who organized their action "for traditional values" appeared on Khreschatyk.

They tried to run to the place of the march, but did not have time.