
There will be 92 countries at the Peace Summit in Switzerland. Zelenskyi has already arrived in the country

Sofiia Telishevska

92 countries will participate in the Global Peace Summit. Of them, 57 are represented at the highest level — presidents or prime ministers. This is stated in the list published by the Federal Council of Switzerland.

Another 29 states will be represented at the ministerial level — mostly by heads of foreign affairs. Six countries will send ambassadors: Indonesia, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, South Africa, the Philippines and Brazil.

In addition, Brazil and the Holy See have the status of an observer, not a participant in the peace summit. As expected, there will be no delegation from China.

International organizations will include the Council of Europe, the OSCE, the Organization of American States, all key EU institutions (the European Council, the European Commission, the European Parliament). The UN and the Ecumenical Patriarch have observer status.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyi has already arrived in Switzerland to participate in the Global Peace Summit.