
The text of the security agreement between Ukraine and Spain has appeared. The main points

Liza Brovko

Ukraine and Spain signed a ten-year security agreement. The countries will strengthen cooperation in the field of security, fulfilling the bilateral long-term obligations specified in the agreement.

Spain will help Ukraine defend itself against Russian aggression and deter it in the future, support economic stability, reconstruction, resilience and the reform program in Ukraine, as well as promote Ukraineʼs integration into the Euro-Atlantic community, in particular the EU and NATO.

The sphere of security and defense

In 2024, Spain will provide €1 billion in military aid and contribute to EU funding through the European Peace Fund, which has pledged an additional €5 billion for the period 2024-2027 through the Ukraine Aid Fund.

Spain will provide military and civilian assistance so that Ukraine can protect its sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity from aggression by Russia. Ukraine undertakes to use Spanish weapons in accordance with the UN Charter and the obligations of both sides of the security agreement.

Madrid will support the strengthening of the institutional capacity of the security and defense institutions of Ukraine, and will advise on defense management and policy.

Spain supports the Initiative of the Future Defense Forces of Ukraine and has joined several coalitions, such as "Integrated Air and Missile Defense", "Artillery", "Armoured Equipment", "Maritime Security", "Information Technologies" and "Demining".

Ukraine and Spain will hold an annual high-level dialogue on issues of strategic defense and security policy for the development of the defense industry and aid and other key areas.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi and Prime Minister of Spain Pedro Sanchez.

The two countries will also expand on current bilateral cooperation to strengthen resilience against nuclear, biological and chemical threats, as well as cooperate in the field of strategic communication and combating Russian and any other manipulation of information. Spain and Ukraine will exchange experience, counter international terrorism, etc.

In 2024, the Ministry of the Interior of Spain will transfer technological materials and vehicles to Ukraine, so that Ukraine has greater capabilities in the fight against organized crime and trafficking in people and weapons.

Ukraine and Spain are aiming for a close defense-industrial partnership. They will work to eliminate restrictions in the supply chains of military materials, determine the sources of funding necessary for the development of the defense and industrial base of Ukraine. This could include Spanish investment and financial assistance both during the war and during post-war reconstruction. Spain will support Ukraineʼs efforts to integrate its defense industry into the defense and security systems of NATO and the EU.

Humanitarian aid, reforms, recovery

Spain will provide humanitarian aid as much as is needed to protect the most vulnerable population groups and combat gender-based violence, health care, food security and nutrition, education. By 2030, Spain will increase the humanitarian budget allocated to Ukraine.

Spain will continue to help more than 200,000 temporarily displaced citizens of Ukraine who currently live in Spain and have received temporary protection.

Madrid also promised to allocate more than €250 million for global food security, to promote and support initiatives such as the Spanish Plan to Combat Food Insecurity, EU-Ukraine "Solidarity Pathways", and the "Grains from Ukraine" humanitarian program.

Spain will cooperate with Ukraine to implement reforms and integrate the latter into the EU and NATO. Spain also supports Ukraineʼs accession to the EU.

Spain undertakes to take an active part in the recovery and reconstruction of Ukraine. So far, Spain has allocated more than €400 million in loans and grants for the social and economic stability and reconstruction of Ukraine. Both countries will launch joint education and training programs for professionals to share knowledge and best practices.

Meanwhile, Ukraine sees Spain and Spanish companies as key partners in recovery, particularly in infrastructure, engineering, construction, energy, transport, capital goods, healthcare and the digital sector.

Spain and Ukraine will look for ways to cooperate in the field of automatic track gauge technology, thereby improving Ukraineʼs connections with the rest of Europe.

Restoration of justice

The participants of the agreement will work to achieve a just and lasting peace, which will comply with international law and the principles and goals of the UN Charter, and will also be based on the principles of the Ukrainian peace formula. Spain supports the Ukrainian peace formula.

Both countries are in favor of strengthening sanctions against Russia, preventing their circumvention and avoiding undesirable consequences.

Ukraine and Spain recognize the need to create a compensation mechanism to compensate for damages, losses and damage caused by Russiaʼs aggression.

Cooperation in the event of a future Russian attack

If Russia attacks Ukraine again in the future, the parties to the agreement will hold consultations on a bilateral basis within 24 hours. Spain undertakes to provide quick and permanent security, economic assistance and available military equipment, will seek agreement in the EU on the imposition of economic and other sanctions on Russia.

The security agreement between Spain and Ukraine entered into force on May 27, 2024.