
The Verkhovna Rada approved the introduction of liability for improper maintenance of civilian shelters

Kostia Andreikovets

In the first reading, the Verkhovna Rada voted by 265 votes in favor of draft law No. 9362-1, which amends the criminal and administrative codes, introducing responsibility for improper maintenance and operation of civilian shelters and objects of the fund of civil defense protective structures.

The document establishes administrative responsibility for violating the requirements for maintaining shelters, obstructing the work of the inspectors or obstructing the inspections themselves, for failure to comply with the instructions and resolutions of the control bodies of such structures, and for failure to comply with the legal requirements of the control bodies. Shelter keepers will be fined for these violations.

The State Service for Emergency Situations is proposed to be given the right to draw up resolutions for the specified violations.

Keepers and those responsible for the shelter face criminal liability if violations of the requirements for maintenance and operation lead to the death of a person/people or other serious consequences. The document supplements Art. 270 of the Criminal Code (violation of fire or man-made safety requirements), punishable by 3 to 8 years of imprisonment.