
The Parliament adopted a draft law on improving the initial combined military training. The main points

Oleksandra Amru

The Verkhovna Rada adopted draft law No. 11092 on improving the system of initial combined military training. 297 parliamentarians voted for it.

The MP from the "Voice" party Yaroslav Zheleznyak reported this.

In particular, the draft law proposes to introduce initial general military training instead of pre-conscription training.

In addition, the draft law proposes to cancel the division of education for boys and girls in the subject "Defense of Ukraine". That is, it will enable boys and girls to learn how to handle weapons and tactical medicine at "Defense of Ukraine" on an equal footing.

Such training will be carried out in senior classes of schools, in institutions of professional (vocational and technical), professional pre-higher and higher education.

Programs on the subject "Defense of Ukraine" will be developed and approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine with the approval of the Ministry of Defense.

In the explanatory note of the draft law, it is noted that its purpose is to promote the development of initial combined military training as a basis for preparing for national resistance.