
The Ministry of Economy booked conscripted employees of Glovo, Visa and Favbet Tech companies

Liza Brovko

Peopleʼs deputy from the "Servant of the People" party Oleksandr Fedienko published a photo of a document of the Ministry of Economy, which refers to the reservation of employees of several companies. Among them are "Glovoapp Ukraine" LLC (Glovo delivery service) and "Favbet Tech" LLC, the main business of which is computer programming, as well as the business of publishing computer games. They received a postponement of mobilization for a period of 6 months — until October 8, 2024.

Telegram / Олександр Федієнко

Also included in the new list were SE "SSM" (advertising agency), LLC "Visa Ukraine" (main KVED — other activity in the field of information technologies and computer systems), LLC "Agri Chain", LLC "Kort" with the full name TOP "Company of radio-electronic technologies", which is engaged in the production of military equipment and radio electronics, EW, drones, etc.

Later, this information was confirmed by Peopleʼs Deputy from the "Voice" party Yaroslav Zheleznyak. According to him, he verified the authenticity of the document from several sources. He added that the state has big questions regarding the payment of taxes for past periods with one of the gambling enterprises on this list.