
Estonia was the first in the world to adopt a law on the use of frozen Russian assets for the benefit of Ukraine

Sofiia Telishevska

The Parliament of Estonia (Riijikogu) has adopted a law that allows the use of frozen assets of Russian individuals to compensate for losses caused to Ukraine by the war. 65 deputies of the Riigikogu voted for, three were against. This is stated on the website of the Estonian Parliament.

According to the head of the Constitutional Committee, Hendrik Johannes Terras, creating a legal regulation for the use of frozen assets is a complex task that a number of allied countries and international organizations are working on, and Estonia is playing a pioneering role here.

"Russia is an aggressor country, compensation for war damages caused by it cannot lie on the shoulders of Ukraine and its allies. Russia is responsible for causing the damage, and it must also bear this responsibility," he said.

In order to start proceedings in Estonia regarding the use of the property, Ukraine must submit a corresponding request. In addition, there must be sufficient evidence of the connection of the property owner with the illegal act.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia must find out all the circumstances and ownership of the property, as well as establish the absence of exceptional circumstances that would outweigh the interests of the person concerned. The owner of the property has the right, in accordance with the law, to appeal the decision on the use of the property in an administrative court.