
The head of the Ministry of Justice says that there is no point in turning to the Constitutional Court regarding the legitimacy of Zelensky

Sofiia Telishevska

Minister of Justice Denys Malyuska believes that it makes no sense to appeal to the Constitutional Court regarding the legitimacy of President Volodymyr Zelensky.

When asked by a BBC News journalist about the appropriateness of applying to the Constitutional Court, the Minister of Justice stated that he is not an entity that can apply to this body, and added that it is too late to do so now.

"Such an appeal means that there are questions and there are doubts, they are well-founded, and we need the full authority of the Constitutional Court to settle this situation. Considering the communication and security situation in the country, now officially and publicly questioning the legitimacy of the president would be a huge mistake, so I think there is no point in appealing now," Malyuska said.

The minister noted that Zelensky will not lose his legitimacy after his five-year term of office expires on May 21. The powers of the president continue until the election of the next one.

"But many provisions of the Constitution are formulated in such a way that anyone who wants to find something to complain about or build some conspiracy theory on will find it," he said.

Malyuska emphasized that the authors of the Constitution had little faith in the realism of a full-scale war with the participation of Ukraine, so some norms regarding this were formulated "not ideally, to put it mildly."