
The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs informed about the creation of the third combat brigade of border guards “Hart”

Kostia Andreikovets

On the Border Guard Day, which is celebrated in Ukraine on April 30, the Minister of Internal Affairs Ihor Klymenko informed about the creation of the third combat brigade of the State Border Service of Ukraine (SBSU) called "Hart".

"Border guards bravely showed themselves in battles in 2014. And until now, the border detachments and formed combat brigades of the ʼHvardia Nastupuʼ [ʼOffensive Guardsʼ], ʼStalevyi [ʼSteel Borderʼ] and ʼPomstaʼ [ʼRevengeʼ] continue to beat the enemy, demonstrating considerable strength and endurance. Today it is symbolic to announce the creation of the third combat brigade of the State Border Service — ʼHartʼ, whose fighters are already strengthening the Defense Forces on the eastern borders," the minister said.