
Due to the state of war, Ukraine temporarily restricts the implementation of the Convention on Human Rights. A statement was submitted

Kostia Andreikovets

Reuters / «Бабель»

The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine has submitted a statement to the Council of Europe on a partial temporary withdrawal from compliance with the European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms. It contains a list of rights and freedoms that may be restricted.

The relevant document is published on the website of the Council of Europe. It is clarified that the statement was submitted on April 4, 2024.

According to the document, the military leadership of Ukraine gets the right to restrict the freedom of movement of citizens, inspect things, as well as forcibly expropriate property for the needs of the state. Article 15 of the Convention on Human Rights provides for temporary constitutional restrictions during martial law. The statement states that Ukraine will cease to comply with the following provisions of the Convention during martial law (war):

The document lists specific measures that may be implemented during martial law in violation of the Convention:

Ukraine has been under martial law and general mobilization since February 24, 2022, due to the military invasion of Russia.