
The MFA of Ukraine reacted to the words of the Georgian Prime Minister about the fight against the “Ukrainization of Georgia”

Sofiia Telishevska

Getty Images / «Babel'»

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Ukraine was outraged by the statements of the Prime Minister of Georgia Irakli Kobakhidze that the law there "on foreign agents" is allegedly directed against "Ukrainization".

"Using the name of our country in such a derogatory context causes additional damage to Ukrainian-Georgian relations. Russification — not the mythical "Ukrainization" — is a real threat to Georgia," the Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized.

Ukraine is interested in peaceful relations with Georgia and has always supported and continues to support the countryʼs sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The day before, Iraklii Kobakhidze stated that "the draft law on the transparency of foreign influence primarily aims to protect Georgia from Ukrainization, strengthen sovereignty and ensure stable development of the country, which is a necessary condition for Georgiaʼs integration into the European Union."

What is wrong with the draft law on "foreign agents"

The draft law on "foreign agents" has already been put to a vote for the second time — this was done by the ruling party "Georgian Dream". Last year in March, this political force was forced to withdraw the initiative after large-scale protests, but now they have returned to it again.

The new draft law almost completely repeats the previous one, but the wording "agent of foreign influence" has been changed to "organization pursuing the interests of a foreign power."

The draft law obliges non-governmental companies and mass media that receive more than 20% of funding from abroad to register as an organization pursuing the interests of a foreign power. Opposition parties and independent journalists call the draft law "Russian", because after the vote, Moscow uses it as a tool to persecute independent media and opposition politicians. Critics say that the adoption of the law in Georgia will not only hit independent media and activists, but will also become a serious obstacle on Tbilisiʼs path to the EU.

The EU representative for foreign affairs and security policy, Josep Borrell, also emphasized that the draft law is incompatible with EU values and standards and contradicts Georgiaʼs declared goal of joining the EU. Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili promised to veto the law.

The Kremlin approved the "Georgian Dream" initiative — they say that Russia is interested in stability in Georgia, and laws on foreign agents are passed almost everywhere, because "no one wants interference in their affairs."