
“Nobody will be able to sit back.” The commander of the Ground Forces called for mobilization and to stop discrediting TRCs

Sofiia Telishevska

The commander of the Ground Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Oleksandr Pavlyuk called on the society to stop harassing employees of the territorial recruit centers (TRCs). In his opinion, Russian propaganda undermined trust in the TRC through the distribution of a large number of provocative videos, which eventually led not only to the discrediting of workers, but also to the violation of their rights, including beatings.

"Today, most of the employees of the TRC are yesterdayʼs warriors, whom everyone admired and was proud of. What happened? Why do they hide from them today, why do they allow themselves to despise them, arrange harassment and even fights? This is unacceptable," Pavlyuk emphasized.

He admitted that the system of territorial recruitment centers is not ideal, therefore, they are working on its improvement, and law enforcement officers promptly respond to all cases of excess of authority.

They will not put up with the violation of the rights of civilians, the commander of the Ground Forces emphasized, but added that they will not allow the violation of the rights of the military either.

So Pavlyuk called on Ukrainians to realize that "no one will be able to sit back."

"Join the ranks of the Armed Forces. Stand up for your family, your home, your country, your future. Our strength is unity! There is no other option," he concluded.