
Kyiv and Helsinki concluded a security agreement. Its text

Oleksandra Opanasenko

On April 3, Ukraine and Finland signed an agreement on security cooperation and long-term support. Its text was published on the website of the official online representation of President Volodymyr Zelensky.

This agreement expands the cooperation and partnership of countries for the protection of international law, law and order and peace and the protection of fundamental human rights and freedoms. Finland plans to provide Ukraine with as much support as needed to help restore territorial integrity, support the economy and deter future Russian aggression.

The agreement will be valid for ten years from the date of its signing.

Deterrence and defense

Finland undertakes to provide sustainable, comprehensive, substantial and long-term support to the defense sector of Ukraine. In addition, Finland allocates the 23rd aid package to Ukraine for €188 million. Thus, the total amount of support provided by Finland since the beginning of the full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation approached €2 billion. Two more aid packages are planned to be handed over this year.

The country is also preparing a four-year plan to support Ukraine, its approximate cost will be announced later.

Finland will also transfer weapons, which are a critical need for Ukraine, in particular ammunition. For this, the country will increase their production, and will also strengthen Ukrainian ammunition production capabilities.

For its part, Ukraine promises that military aid to Finland will be used exclusively for self-defense and against military objectives in accordance with international law. Finland will train the Ukrainian military and facilitate the investigation and prosecution of international crimes.

Finland will contribute to the current and future support of Ukraine from the EU, will work on strengthening sanctions against Russia. The participants will cooperate so that Ukraine can prevent, detect and counter Russian cyber aggression, cyber espionage and hybrid warfare, in particular by strengthening cooperation in the field of cyber diplomacy, providing technical assistance to Ukraine, as well as improving its cyber resilience.

Implementation of reforms

Ukraine undertakes to further implement reforms to support and protect democracy and the rule of law in Ukraine. Finland will provide technical and financial resources and support Ukraine on the path of reforms. This involves supporting the reformation of Ukraine on the way to future membership in the EU and NATO.

Sanctions and prosecution of the Russian Federation

The participants will continue to work to ensure that the price of aggression for Russia continues to grow, in particular through sanctions and export controls. Ukraine and Finland will provide each other with updated information on the grounds for sanctions and other relevant information in accordance with their respective obligations.

Reconstruction and financing

Finland is preparing a national plan for the reconstruction of Ukraine. The first part of the plan, published in December 2023, focuses on ways for Finnish companies to participate in reconstruction efforts. The second part of the plan will look more broadly at the involvement of the central government and stakeholders in reconstruction, primarily through the development of cooperation and the provision of humanitarian assistance.

Ukraine is the largest partner of Finland in the field of development. The budget for cooperation in the field of development and provision of humanitarian aid for 2024-2028 is €290 million.

In 2024-2027, additional funding in the total amount of €8 million will be allocated to the Finnpartnership program. The program supports Ukrainian society by offering business partnerships and investment training support for Finnish companies in Ukraine.

The Government of Finland will study the possibility of allocating special risk capital to cover the needs of the Public Investment Fund (PIF). Negotiations on PIF framework agreement will begin with Ukraine. If it is approved, a new mixed credit instrument — Ukraine Investment Facility (UIF) — will be prepared, and this will make it possible to implement projects worth up to €50 million in 2025-2026 in accordance with PIF principles.

Euro-Atlantic integration

Ukraine undertakes to implement the reforms defined by the EU, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and NATO, which cover, in particular, governance, transparency, the fight against corruption and democratic control over the Security and Defense Forces of Ukraine. Implementation of these reforms by Ukraine is key in the context of its aspirations to the EU and NATO.

Future aggression

If, after the end of a full-scale war, Russia attacks Ukraine again, at the request of Kyiv or Helsinki, the parties will hold consultations within 24 hours. Finland undertakes to provide prompt and sustainable assistance in the field of security, modern military equipment, economic assistance, etc.

This agreement may be amended and supplemented by written consent of the parties.