
The Prosecutor General declared what kind of support Ukraine needs to investigate Russian war crimes

Sofiia Telishevska, Oksana Kovalenko

The Prosecutor Generalʼs Office needs help to investigate crimes committed by Russians during the war. It is about providing consultations, training and other support.

Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin stated this at the "Restoring Justice for Ukraine" conference.

"We are interested in expanding the use of artificial intelligence technologies, as well as access to modern data processing tools, including video and voice recognition with automatic transcription," he noted.

He also noted that in order to protect victims, Ukraine needs support and assistance in creating a single register of war victims and people who have suffered from international crimes.

"We believe that it can become one of the main verified sources for future reparations claims," added the Prosecutor General.

Ukraine also needs assistance in improving the knowledge and skills of prosecutors, as well as sharing best practices on child-friendly and sensitive approaches.

According to Kostin, the General Prosecutorʼs Office is currently developing a strategic plan to counter the illegal deprivation of liberty of civilians and needs help in the form of special consultations and support.

He also noted that the Office of the Prosecutor General pays special attention to the issue of civilian hostages, who are kept in secret prisons by Russia. Therefore, help is needed in tracking and identifying places of arbitrary deprivation of liberty in the occupied territories and in Russia using OSIN and other means. This is necessary to search for people who have experienced illegal deprivation of liberty and to create a register of victims of such crimes.

Kostin called the creation of an effective international mechanism for the return of all forcibly displaced Ukrainian children and the release of all civilians illegally detained by Russia another important priority for the Office.

Speaking about cooperation with the International Criminal Court (ICC), Kostin noted that the Office is ready to transfer to the ICC even those cases that Ukraine can investigate independently.

"If we understand that it will be in the interests of the victims, victims and international justice," he said.