
The court took Oleksandr Liev, the ex-expert of the Ministry of Defense department, into custody. He is suspected of embezzling UAH 1.5 billion

Kostia Andreikovets

The Appellate Chamber of the High Anti-Corruption Court took into custody the former head of the Department of Military and Technical Policy of the Ministry of Defense Oleksandr Liev, who is one of the suspects in the case of embezzlement of almost UAH 1.5 billion for the purchase of ammunition for the army.

As Suspilne reports from the courtroom, Liev was taken into custody until April 8, 2024, with the right to post bail in the amount of 50 million hryvnias.

Liev was taken into custody in the courtroom. In case of bail, Liev will be assigned a number of obligations, including wearing an electronic bracelet and handing in foreign passports.

What preceded

In November 2023 , hromadske released an investigation into the 2022 contract between the Ministry of Defense and Lviv Arsenal for the purchase of 100,000 mortar mines. The contract was for 1.3 billion hryvnias, and MOU paid almost 100% of the amount in advance. Ammunition was never delivered. The actual scheme of the agreement, according to journalists, was as follows: Ministry of Defense of Ukraine — Lviv Arsenal (Ukraine) — Sevotech (Slovakia) — WDG (Croatia) — Elmech Sintermak (Croatia). Sevotech was to transfer the money to WDG, and WDG was to buy ammunition from Elmech. However, Elmech stated that it did not receive the money. In the end, the money allegedly remained with Sevotech.

On January 26, 2024, it became known that the Ministry of Defense won a lawsuit against Lviv Arsenal, which was supposed to supply 100,000 ammunition for mortars. "Lviv Arsenal" must pay the MOU UAH 1,340,465,698 in advance payment, UAH 90,683,623.06 in penalties, and UAH 96,734,638 in fines for non-delivery of mines. As part of this case, the accounts and other movable and immovable property of the LLC were seized.

On January 27 , the SBU announced suspicions against five people for embezzling funds for the purchase of projectiles. The former and current heads of the Department of Military-Technical Policy, Development of Weapons and Military Equipment of the Ministry of Defense (Olexandr Liev and Toomas Nakhkur), the head and commercial director of Lviv Arsenal, as well as their accomplice, a representative of a foreign commercial structure, received suspicion. The suspects face up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property.

Toomas Nahkur was suspended from his duties on February 2, and the court imposed personal obligations on him on the same day.