
Polish farmers started a protest at two more checkpoints and again blocked “Shehyni”

Sofiia Telishevska

Getty Images / «Babel'»

Polish farmers restricted traffic on the roads that lead through the “Zosin — Ustyluh” and “Dolgobychuv — Uhryniv” checkpoints and again blocked “Shehyni”.

This is reported by the Ukrainian border service.

According to the information of the Polish border guards, today at 10:10 a.m. protest actions of Polish farmers began near the “Zosin” checkpoint. The protesters want to allow three freight vehicles weighing more than 3.5 tons per hour to pass. Passenger cars, buses, vehicles with humanitarian aid, as well as vehicles up to 3.5 tons in both directions will be issued in the usual manner.

Also, according to the State Border Service of Ukraine (SBSU), around 10:00, almost 150 picketers and 20 units of agricultural machinery began blocking traffic near the “Dolgobychuv” checkpoint. And the movement of trucks weighing up to 7.5 tons has been restricted — two trucks per hour will be allowed in both directions.

Polish farmers also renewed the blocking of the movement of freight vehicles in the direction of the checkpoints "Medyka — Shehyni". According to available information, they will pass one truck per hour. The protest action does not apply to the passage of passenger vehicles and buses.