
Oleksandr Marikovskyi, Peopleʼs Deputy from “Servant of the People” was informed about the suspicion of an unreliable declaration of more than UAH 24 million

Oleksandra Amru

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine and the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutorʼs Office informed the incumbent Peopleʼs Deputy about the suspicion of false declaration of over 24 million hryvnias.

NABU reported this, but did not name the suspect. "Babelʼs" sources in the law enforcement agencies say that it is about Peopleʼs Deputy from "Servant of the People" Oleksandr Marikovskyi.

According to the investigation, in 2020, the elected official declared 24.6 million hryvnias worth of cryptocurrency, which allegedly belonged to him since 2019.

NABU and SAP found out that this cryptocurrency wallet never actually belonged to the Peopleʼs Deputy, but the declared cryptocurrency was bought by foreigners who have no relation to the deputy.

The maximum penalty that a peopleʼs deputy can face for making an untrustworthy declaration is up to two years in prison with the deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for three years.

Other punishments provided by the article of the Criminal Code: a fine of up to 85 thousand hryvnias or from 150 to 240 hours of community service.

NABU noted that the investigation was facilitated by cooperation with competent US authorities within the framework of international legal assistance.