
ARMA published a list of Hrynkevychʼs property and his entourage. The day before, the court arrested them

Sofiia Telishevska

The Asset Recovery and Management Agency (ARMA) has published a list of the property of Lviv businessman Ihor Hrynkevych and his entourage. The day before, the court seized this property.

It is about:

ARMA forwarded the received data in its entirety to the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) for seizure of assets and their future possible confiscation.

According to law enforcement officers, officials and beneficiaries of controlled limited liability companies and a number of other business entities acted in a prior conspiracy with officials of the Ministry of Defense.

The case of the Hrynkevych family

A few months ago, the State Bureau of Investigation initiated criminal proceedings on the fact of the procurement of clothes and underwear for the Armed Forces. The Lviv businessmanʼs companies won 23 tenders for the supply of clothing to the Ministry of Defense for over UAH 1.5 billion.

The investigation established that enterprises under the control of the businessman were involved in the execution of defense orders, which were previously engaged in construction and did not have adequate production, warehouse and other capacities for the production and storage of property for the needs of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. This led to budget losses, according to preliminary estimates, of UAH 1.2 billion and, accordingly, to a supply disruption.

Law enforcement officers also discovered complete non-fulfillment of six contracts. Under at least seven contracts, the enterprises supplied goods to the warehouses of military units only in small quantities, but received state funds for full fulfillment of obligations. It was also established that eight contracts were executed 3 to 5 months late.

In addition, the analysis of foreign economic contacts and customs documents of the mentioned enterprises revealed facts of overestimation of the cost of goods supplied for the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Currently, the involvement of former officials of the Ministry of Defense, who did not take any legal action to ensure the fulfillment or termination of contracts, is being investigated. According to preliminary estimates, the amount of damages may exceed one billion hryvnias.