
Time has released the 10 global risks of 2024. The division of Ukraine was added to the list

Oleksandra Amru

The “Time” magazine published “Ten Global Risks for 2024”, among which “divided Ukraine”. In particular, the authors of the list believe that Ukraine has suffered greatly from the decrease in political and material support from the USA, and the prospects for European aid are not much better.

According to the newspaper, Ukraine desperately needs additional troops and this year will take a big risk, in particular, due to strikes on a larger number of targets in Russia. This will provoke an unprecedented response from the Russian Federation and may involve NATO in the conflict.

At the same time, Time considers the Russian invasion of Ukraine a “historic failure.” While NATO is being strengthened by new members and the European Union has opened the accession process for Ukraine, Russia has faced 11 rounds of sanctions and a freeze on its assets. In addition, Europe no longer buys Russian energy carriers.

“However, this year Ukraine will be de facto divided, and Russia will have the initiative on the battlefield and a material advantage. 2024 is a turning point in the war: unless Ukraine solves its personnel problems, increases its weapons production, and develops a realistic military strategy in the near future, its territorial losses could become permanent and greater,” writes “Time”.

Among the global risks in 2024, the publication also included the threat of artificial intelligence getting out of control.

Technology may lose oversight this year as regulatorsʼ efforts to manage AI fail, tech companies will remain largely free to operate without regulators, and the most powerful AI models and tools spread beyond government control.

The ten global risks in 2024 according to Time magazine also included the following: