
Border guards can demand documents from the territorial recruit center from men aged 18 to 60

Kostia Andreikovets

Border guards, checking the documents of men aged 18 to 60, may request additional documents from the territorial recruit center (TRC, former military commissars).

This was reported by the spokesman of the State Border Service Andriy Demchenko to " BBC-Ukraine ".

He explained that, in general, the rules for crossing the border for men have not changed. The categories that are not subject to the ban on leaving the country are the same, but documents may be treated more carefully, as cases of document forgery have become more frequent.

"Itʼs about strengthening control," noted Demchenko.

According to him, border guards at their discretion have the right to demand, in addition to the usual package of documents, military registration documents from the TRC, which confirm that a person really has a deferment from mobilization or is exempt from conscription.

"It can be an extract from the protocol of the TRC on the decision on postponement or a record of postponement in military accounting documents," noted Demchenko.

"BBC-Ukraine" journalists turned to Demchenko due to complaints on social networks that men who previously crossed the border without hindrance — for example, those with many children or men with disabilities — were no longer allowed to pass without documents from the TRC.