
“Ukroboronprom” confirmed serial production of kamikaze drones flying up to 1 000 km

Liza Brovko

Joint-stock company "Ukrainian Defense Industry" serially produces kamikaze drones that fly a thousand kilometers. They are created together with foreign partners.

General Director of the "Ukroboronprom" Herman Smetanin informed about this in an interview with "Economic Truth".

According to him, these drones "fly and explode", and the Defense Forces of Ukraine order them.

"We have an analogue of Shahed, and there are also more powerful models, because Shahed do not fly that far. We are now focused on the production of more complex and expensive projects with high characteristics," added Smetanin.

At the same time, "Ukrainian Defense Industry" helps private companies to scale the development of FPV drones. In particular, it signed license agreements with three large companies for the production of their models of such UAVs.