
A wind speed record was set in Kyiv

Liza Brovko

In Kyiv, on October 28, a record was set for the maximum wind speed.

The Central Geophysical Observatory named after Borys Sreznevskyi writes about this.

In the capital on Saturday, the maximum wind speed reached a record 20 meters per second (72 kmph). The same maximum value for this day was already recorded in 1969.

On this day, two men aged 65 and 35 died under trees in Kyiv, seven more residents of the capital were injured and suffered fractures. Five were hospitalized by medics, two were treated on the spot. The fall of 250 trees was also recorded.

Recommendations from the Ministry of Internal Affairs

During bad weather, it is necessary to close all the windows of the houses tightly, take away from the balconies and loggias objects that may fall outside; on the street you should stay as far as possible from billboards, power lines; in case of strong wind, you should hide in the nearest room or natural shelter; it is necessary to avoid staying near large trees, and the author should not park near them.