
The occupiers almost destroyed the two largest markets in Kharkiv — Barabashovo and Evropa. Entrepreneurs return there to work among the shattered stalls and burned warehouses — a photo report

Yuriy Palyvoda, Yuliana Skibitska

Yuriy Palyvoda / Babel

Kharkivʼs two main markets, Barabashovo and Evropa, burned several times due to the Grads shelling by the occupiers. Both markets are located in Saltivka district — regularly shelled by the Russians, it suffered the most in Kharkiv. Barabashovo, one of the largest markets in Eastern Europe, burned for the first time on March 17 and the second on May 20. Evropa came under missile strike on April 21. The guards say that the fires were so terrible that the metal beams bent like plasticine. The Barabashovo press service says only 20% of stalls are now open, but entrepreneurs are slowly returning to the market. Some of the consequences of the fires have already been fixed although most of the burned pavilions are still there, and a lot of glass and destroyed goods are underfoot. Only a few outlets currently operate in the Evropa market. Photographer Yuriy Palyvoda visited both markets and pictured how people are trying to bring life back there — in a photo report for Babel.

Barabashovo market pavilion burned down as a result of shelling, June 6, 2022.

Yuriy Palyvoda / Babel

Barabashovo market row, burned down.

Yuriy Palyvoda / Babel

Entrepreneurs trade on the surviving stalls of the Barabashovo market.

Yuriy Palyvoda / Babel

Barabashovo market.

Yuriy Palyvoda / Babel

Yuriy Palyvoda / Babel

Barabashovo market. “The best bathroom fitments. Quality guaranteed” is written on the sign.

Yuriy Palyvoda / Babel

The woman trades in the burned-out Evropa market on June 4, 2022.

Yuriy Palyvoda / Babel

Barabashovo market, toilet sign.

Yuriy Palyvoda / Babel

Evropa market.

Yuriy Palyvoda / Babel

Barabashovo market.

Yuriy Palyvoda / Babel

Barabashovo market.

Yuriy Palyvoda / Babel

Barabashovo market.

Yuriy Palyvoda / Babel

Barabashovo market.

Yuriy Palyvoda / Babel

Evropa market.

Yuriy Palyvoda / Babel

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