
Since the beginning of the year, the border guards have not released 2 100 state workers who wanted to leave the country without permission

Sofiia Telishevska

Since January, the border guards have not allowed more than 2 100 state workers who did not have sufficient grounds to leave Ukraine to go abroad.

The spokesman of the State Border Service of Ukraine Andrii Demchenko informed this on the air of the telethon.

According to him, restrictions on the departure of civil servants, in particular high-ranking officials, were established in winter — this category was allowed to leave Ukraine either on the basis of a business trip, or to visit or accompany their children under the age of 18.

On January 30, the Cabinet of Ministers published a resolution defining the grounds for the departure of officials abroad under martial law.

In Resolution No. 69 dated January 27, the government determined that deputies of various levels, government officials, employees who are booked for the period of mobilization and wartime by state authorities, judges, prosecutors, heads of state unitary enterprises, heads of some business associations have the right to cross the state border border on the basis of decisions on business trips.