
Polish media published a video of the arrest of a Ukrainian who died in a Wroclaw sobering station. The footage shows alleged torture

Sofiia Telishevska

The Polish publication "Onet" published a video from surveillance cameras showing that law enforcement officers used physical coercion and probably torture against Ukrainian Dmytro Nykyforenko. Two years ago, the man died in a Wroclaw sobering station. His relatives were told that his heart had stopped.

Dmytro Nikyforenko was from the Vinnytsia region, worked in construction in Poland. On July 30, 2021, he and his colleagues were returning from a barbecue where everyone had been drinking. Dmytro had 1.5 ppm of alcohol in his blood.

"Onet" emphasizes that, contrary to the first reports of the police, no drugs or stimulants were found in the Ukrainianʼs blood.

Dmytro was returning home by bus. The police noted at the time that the man behaved aggressively, although the cameras showed that he did not humiliate anyone, did not behave loudly or obscenely, and at some point even fell asleep.

When the bus arrived at the terminal, and the driver could not wake up the passenger. An ambulance was called to Dmytro, and later the police was also called, and they took him to a sobering station.

At 10:27 p.m. Dmytro was captured by a camera installed in front of the entrance to the Wroclaw Center for Helping People in a State of Alcoholic Intoxication.

Dmytro was brought into the room in handcuffs. Footage taken a few minutes later and police testimony prove that tear gas was used against him just before he got out of the car.

According to the record, they began to apply force to Dmytro at 10:41 p.m., and at 11:06 p.m. the medics had already started resuscitation, which did not yield results.

The footage shows how, at 10:41 p.m., four people took Dmytro by his arms and legs into the room and put him on the bed. From that time, he was constantly detained by the employees of the sobering station and the policemen, they pressed him with a report baton, pressed him to the bed and inflicted blows. The video clearly shows that Dmytro was immobilized. At some point, one of the policemen sat on the back of the lying man.

At approximately 10:57 p.m., he was no longer being held, he was lying motionless on the bed, and there were three policemen next to him, and with them two men and three women. At that moment, they untied the man and realized that he was unconscious. They started doing indirect heart massage, but the heart failed to start.

At first they tried to keep Nykyforenkoʼs death quiet, and then they declared that he "died a natural death."