
The NBU updated the list of systemically important banks. Here is the list of them

Sofiia Telishevska
The NBU updated the list of systemically important banks. Here is the list of them

The National Bank (NBU) has updated the list of systemically important banks of Ukraine. Compared to last year, it increased by one position — Credit Agricole Bank was added.

This is stated on the website of the NBU.

The list of systemically important banks of Ukraine includes 15 financial institutions:

A-Bank, Credit Agricole Bank, Kredobank, OTP Bank, Oschadbank, "Pivdennyi", PrivatBank, PUIB, Raiffeisen Bank, Sens Bank, TASkombank, Ukrgasbank, Ukreximbank, UkrSybbank, Universal Bank.

A Systemically Important Bank (SIB) is a bank whose activities affect the stability of the entire banking system.

Every year, the National Bank identifies systemically important banks and carries out enhanced supervision over them. Increased attention of the regulator to the activities of such institutions is necessary to preserve financial stability.

Inadequate functioning or bankruptcy of SSCs can damage the financial system and negatively affect the economy in general.